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Methods to Represent Sequences

A sequence can be represented in various ways, for instance:

  • verbally,
  • as a formula,
  • as a table,
  • as a (discrete) graph with individual points,
  • as a graph, in which the points are connected.

Note: Not every sequence can be represented by a sequence 1 (see below).


Verbal representation

Verbal representation of a sequence means the description of the sequence with words.

Representation as a formula

Some sequences can be represented by a formula, this means to give an algebraic relationship which describes the sequence. You distinguish between a explicit and a recursive definition (further details see next chapter).

However, representing a sequence as a formula is not always possible. For example, there is no formula for the sequence ( a n ) n = 2 , 3 , 5 , 7 , 11 , 13 ,... the prime numbers.

You obtain the Fibonacci sequence if you start with the numbers 1,1 and calculate every subsequent term as the sum of the two preceding terms .
verbal representation of the Fibonacci- sequence

The Fibonacci sequence is fully described by a 0 = a 1 = 1 and

an := an−2 +an−1 „ n≥ 2


Representation as a table

In a table the mapping n a n can be given explicitly for some values of n.

Start of the Fibonacci sequence given as a table


Representation as a graph

When we represent a sequence in the form of a graph we plot the index n of a term of the sequence on the x-axis against the value of that term on the y-axis. This gives a graph of discrete points. Sometimes, to emphasis the relationship of the change in value, the individual points are connected by a curve or line

Start of the Fibonacci sequence as a graph.